Tuesday, June 5, 2012

FedDoctor in NorCal!

FedDoctor.com is growing again!

We have a new member in the Northern California area of Sacramento. Dr. Mark Bernhard wants the federal community to know that he treats federal patients with federal workers compensation claims.

As a treating physician who enjoys treating muskuloskeletal injuries and helping federal employees with their OWCP claims, he can help you with all kinds of diagnostics, treatments and reports to help you get back to health and get the benefits that you are entitled to.

Read more about Dr. Bernhard and how he can help you with your federal workers comp claim on his listing at FedDoctor.com.

We built this site for federal employees all over the country to find quality medical providers who can treat them and help them with the paperwork issues that come up when you work with the OWCP.

No one asks to get injured on the job. If you were hurt while working for the government, use FedDoctor to find a local doctor who understands the differences that you face.